BugEyedBimmer - back in the Saddle Dakota Leather

We bought a bio-locking safe for the gun I keep for home defense. It can only be opened with my fingerprint. Hopefully, my kid will never even see the safe. But if she does, I'm going to tell her that it's a trap for the souls of little children to be transported to the Containment Unit, where they don't get any toys

It's essentially a Europe-market Toyota Auris, but as we noted last time, the Toyota Gods hate God's Country™, so we probably won't be getting the wealth of power and drivetrain options that the Europeans get. Not that Scion didn't say we're not getting an AWD diesel hatchback, mind you, but something tells me they'd

I have 92,000 miles on my Camaro. Never ONCE had an issue with the 'poor visibility' people are screaming about. Maybe because I can adjust my mirrors and turn my head? Unknown.

I'm with this guy. As a salesperson, making someone wait for information is just shooting yourself in the foot. It also gives the customer time to balk at doing anything.

Two notes of sadness:
1. The snow is not where I am (Michigan - surprisingly). It is however where my folks are (Wyoming).
2. This van is not vacuum-equipped.
Although when I heard about that available feature, I was pretty blown away because the concept seems as obvious as integrating a phone into the car.

I have, and you're right, that isa very different thing to ask for.

Luxury dealers are a totally different ballgame. They tend to respect their customer's time better.... but Hyundai/Kia/Honda/Ford etc...some are still stuck in old ways.

My Mom bought a new Odyssey today. She was definitely on a time constraint as she, my dad, and two siblings are leaving for the Thanksgiving holiday tomorrow and needed the car before then. She test-drove last Saturday, negotiated price via email (she lives 90 miles from the nearest Honda dealer), and let the

Looks pretty similar to the Terry McGinnis bat-symbol:

you all do realize, that in the general system of classifications, middle eastern IS white, right? If you are middle eastern in the US and you are filling out a college application or getting a drivers liscence, you check the 'white' box.

My friend Doug was unemployed for months. Last month, he made $1,000 in just a few hours! And all he had to do was not drive his Ferrari! You too can learn Doug's secret by clicking, here.________________________________________________________

This won't work. It's better to give money to rich to people because rich people knows how to spread the wealth.

Abusive dad who killed his mom at a very young age. Since that day, he always wished he had the power to stop his dad from killing his mom and have been going from one foster home to the next.

Anytime I hear a journalist mention "German engineering..." I translate it into: "I know nothing about how an automobile is designed or engineered, and am only playing up a centuries old stereotype that was pre-scripted for me..."

I dunno about that. I've been daily driving a Corvette for 7 years now and I have 2 friends that DD M3's 2 more that DD a 3 series and a 5 series. All four of those cars spend significant time being serviced and have had some astronomical repair costs. In 7 years, my Corvette has needed an alternator, a water pump,