BugEyedBimmer - back in the Saddle Dakota Leather

All it takes are a couple "special" individuals on both sides to mess it up for everybody.

I knew it wasn't really aimed at me. I just wasnt sure how much you'd read. I try not to be one of "those" Christians. The overall consensus was that I was a militant fundamentalist, which is nowhere near the truth. But I have Faith and that makes me an inbred bigot around these parts apparently lol.

For what it's worth, I never said the Judgement day thing, but someone did throw the burned at the stake thing at me.

That's makes so much sense it's scary ._.

So you took a statement out of context and made it a thing. That's cute.

I love how you're like the 4th person to twist what I said to mean "creationism is the only thing to teach". When it clearly says that science is only one facet of what these kids get taught and pulling their funding because you don't agree with the science class is criminal.

The map is data. The article and intent was the witch-hunt.

I had no idea the blog was this forward with their feelings about Christians. I just came here for morning spoilers and thought I'd look at the article.

Did it say Christian Creationism in the article or even in the research? Or did you or the poster just try to spin it that way?

I'm not being passive aggressive. Okay you want the real skinny? In backwoods areas, this is the only way the kids will get taught. And if you would rather complain about 1/5 of their classes instead of focus on their shitty math or English scores than you're a prick who's no better than the zealots I have to put up

Creationism isn't Christianity. Evolutionists linked them back in the 20s so they could remove it from practice on the grounds of religious equality.

I think you missed what I was saying. I meant that without the funding, these schools wouldn't be allowed to keep going at all. I want the kids to learn, and I don't care what they teach them in science class. Values and religion should be leaned at home. I'm saying that if most of the commenters got their way and cut

Okay. Lets address that then shall we? Creationism IS NOT Christianity. It's simply the belief that the universe was started or generated by a being. It's actually consistent with most religions.

So you're snarkily pointing out things that my ancestors did (possibly not even blood related) and I'm supposed to feel bad? I live my life with compassion and understanding. I don't apologize for actions I didn't commit. But I'm glad to see you bring attention to wrongs not inflicted on you.

So you would deprive these children of an education to make sure that all schools have a science class you approve of? You seem to forget that the government pays for a big chunk of these schools budgets and their science class is only a small piece. But if you want to bring poverty and ignorance to these children

I haven't burned anyone at the stake. We're you or anyone in your family actually burned at the stake? Or are you claiming victim for something you have no experience with for an atrocity me nor my family have ever committed?

Persecution complex? No. I just know what the intent was and in what spirit this post was created. It wasn't like io9 was like "here's the schools that still teach creationism, isn't it cool how we all get along and respect each others beliefs?"

I love how I'm being called brainwashed by a person with the screen name "twerklikemiley". I don't need your pity. And your condescension is wasted on me as I still don't feel inferior to you in any way. You didn't bother to ask what I meant, you just rattled off your assumptions about what you guess are my beliefs on

I'm a little disappointed that io9 has taken an opportunity to create a witch-hunt against people of faith such as myself.

That is wrong. The kids shouldn't have to leave the school just to learn religion.