BugEyedBimmer - back in the Saddle Dakota Leather

I'm not gonna say it playsno roll, but it would take a lot more to overcome the extra weight and power deficiencies.

The tires are made from ginger tears and unicorn farts.

The WS6 was a sick looking ride.

This would have been great as an Explorer SHO. But for a real sport model, I'd rather seen the EcoBoost I4 with AWD and a manual. And hell while I'm dreaming, get it down under 2 tons and make it handle. That woulda been a better "sport" model than just stuffing a bigger engine in it.

I thought all Volvo R's were AWD?

Oh good! Someone that can translate that first string of letters! Hustle up kiddo.

Accord coupe much?

Upgrading security for network of sites can be a costly undertaking. What's wrong with attempting to be cost effective so that you can continue to offer free services?

Okay, so some of you are upset because you don't have an already standing form of social media and you don't want one. I get that.

SC350 6MT F-sport? Please?

I'm thinking it's supposed to be a 6-Series competitor with Toyota reliability and a curb weight < 2 tons.

That's brilliant. And I was starting to think I was the only one still sour on the Scirocco situation

Any chance the Kia version of the Genesis will come with a stick? At least on the 3.8? I mean they're already using one in the Gene Coupe, why not here?

*venom voice* We think he doesn't like us! /venomvoice

It looks constipated... With braces...

I'd like to see a retest where they put a Tesla up against the Lotus with a full tank on the test track. I'm pretty sure the Lotus would go further. Yes, let's give Tesla enough slack to hang themselves with :)

For a company that has collected so much money from so many sources, they sure are trying to screw their customers out of more. Why can't we just let Tesla die? All of their products have been crap so far. It's an image thing similar to Tesla. If it means that much to people there's a hybrid S-Class, LS, and 7 series.

My gf would love this. She loves Z's and she loves rice.

Doesn't the normal Focus already have 160hp? 177 isn't exactly bridging the gap. Unless they do some serious weight redux. Which in a mild sporty version I'm all for.