bugattatra - parallel double-park that muthafucka sideways

I'm going to keep pasting Saabs here until somebody loves me.

1986 Mercedes 560SEL.

PRV Engine

Except his stellar back-catalog of music, which is nothing short of amazing.

fuck it, now i want a Toblerone

B-but these guys are cool and adorable!

The Fedora: helping you spot who to avoid since the early 1990s!

Screw minivans.

Don't drink and drive. It's safer to taxi.

Not Vapour-ware. On Top Gear Clarkson very clearly said that Prodrive wasn't going to make it. It was only ever meant to be a technology demonstrator.

Lost my sympathy with "premium passenger" as I am a base model passenger. Use your cajillion dollars and charter a flight, you big baby.

HE'S OVER 9000!!!!

I would personally replace the F430 with the 456, the most elegant modern Ferrari of them all.

"Ferrari is now American, which represents the end of an era." - Montezelomo

Prople are made up of mostly water. All I have to do is put my fist is some ice cubes for a little while then go around punching people for charity.

The story of your friend? I don't feel bad in the slightest. Guess what, actions have consequences. Mistakes are nothing more than poorly chosen actions, and they still have consequences. Oh, and I don't consider that an accident. That's an incident.

There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys. Guns aren't for black people, either.

You know, I think stuff like this is interesting, but I can't understand why machines of war show up on Jalopnik. Jalopnik is a site devoted to cars, the fun of owning them, looking at them, racing them, fixing them, etc. Its a site that brings joy and information.

Why Jalopnik thinks its ok to highlight posts talking