bugattatra - parallel double-park that muthafucka sideways

I love this car but voted Crack Pipe—rare doesn't necessarily equal valuable. I'd pay $12k for this like today.


Jimenez Novia?

Just a great looking car.

A stuffed Dampachi doll is a great gift, you Grinch.

To buy.

He'll be dead sooner that later, and all the money he's acquired through his unscrupulousness won't matter any more. The world—including his phony acquaintances—will remember him for the prick he was.

How either of them managed to live this long without making toast in the bathtub is a mystery.


Context is your friend.

We must be looking at different pictures.

But less reliable and four times as expensive. Similarly stodgy, understeery handling balance and wooden brakes. Difficult-to-diagnose electrical issues are standard, seven hour "service position" job to change a water pump. Worth $6.74 in resale five years down the road.

Nice interior.

There's this weird little short dude, older white guy with glasses—think Hans Moleman—with a black E92 M3 coupe, regular at Irvine Cars & Coffee. DO NOT ENGAGE HIM IN CONVERSATION. DO NOT UTTER ONE POSITIVE WORD OR SIMPLE QUERY IN HIS DIRECTION.

Classy as shit.

Always liked this guy. He's very calm and reasonable about what many of us would totally lose our shit over, but with much less special cars. Here's hoping it's repairable. Keep the beard, dude!

I sat down in an F-type V8S and promptly split my shorts right in front of Larry Chen.

Why buy winter socks when you can by a crack rock? Why pay your rent when you can buy a 70" 4K TV? Why feed your kids when you can buy a can of Russian beluga and a bottle of good champagne?

As a recent first time father, it astonishes me how anyone who loves their child can just throw them the keys to such a powerful machine they're completely unprepared and unqualified to drive.