bugattatra - parallel double-park that muthafucka sideways

I enjoy these reviews but more detailed handling info is always welcome. How is turn it? What is the primary balance when pushed, under or oversteer? How are grip levels? There's a lot more that can be said here, respectfully.

I would shatter a couple of my own ribs with a pneumatic hammer drill for this to happen.

Saab, motherfuckers.

Isn't it supposed to be built on a separate chassis from the Impretzel?

I've seen the reassembled car in person at Symbolic Motorsports here in San Diego, and it looks good. Paint is full of microscratches but who cares?

Because aircooled roller bearing crank V12

Hawut the hell?

I was talking about Moby, not your badass friend with the Lambo.

Mazeltov, Orlove!

Maybe they thought "DeLorean" was Italian for "middle class".

What a cool grandma. "You made me say a word I never say!" Cute.

I really like it. It's immediately recognizable as a Scandinavian design, but looks fresh and forward-thinking. I love that isn't trying to out-German the Germans, too. B+

I find myself wishing I was in NYC even more than I usually do.

I'm with you on the AZ-1, man. I interviewed an owner on my blog if you're interested in some insight.

I saw a Tatra T603 at Cars and Coffee about a year back and properly embarrassed myself with the unbridled enthusiasm of a fifth grader on a sugar high. I groped it.

The day I see one of these in person I will soil myself.

Toyota flew him out to review it, would you rather he lie?

The Bugatti T68.

LJK Setright, old chum.

He's native South African, but has lived most of his life in England. Knowing Murray it's engineered so accumulated rain water doesn't enter the cabin when opening, that doesn't sound terribly difficult to engineer.