
If this is a game of ‘Animal, Vegetable or Mineral?’, then my guess is... Mineral?

“You know whose take I need? Ryan Seacrest’s,” said millions of people across the world.

Ha! I assumed the opposite -- that God had “saved her” from her “heavy cold” or whatever it was they were calling it. Is she still sick? Sounds like this story might be an old one, but I didn’t feel like registering to read the whole thing.

This is my concern. What on EARTH is a 90 year old heavy-cold-haver doing walking the grounds in the middle of the night in JANUARY in a raincoat?

But, is her “heavy cold” getting better?

We use “talk about Christmas” as a code for some reason, but it’s more because we think it’s funny than because we’re trying to fool the kid.

But, but, but I want to believe a side boob.

Brad Pitt is actually three kids stacked together

A friend just this morning told me about a dad at Disney World who was refusing to buy his kid a keychain because it “was a girl keychain.” When he saw the look she gave him he added “plus you don’t even have keys.”

This is so insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Mariah can eat an ice-cream cone while her vocal track plays for all I care. Our fucking democracy is dying.

Oh, so it’s also a massive equal protection violation, then!

Actually, ironically, the bill doesn’t prevent trans men from using the mens room, because “men can defend themselves” against trans men.

She is a fearmonger and a proponent of and apologist for hatred of various kinds; ain’t nobody deserve this toxic shit

It can’t be worse than the Gilmore Girls reboot... By which I mean of course I will be watching.

I like how they assume the chefs are improperly handling the meat and not that it was simply cut from the show because it’s boring.

No. The most underappreciated Obama is Sunny. It’s all about Barack and his dad-jeans, or Michelle and her scandalous sleeveless dresses. It’s about Sasha and Malia crossing their arms and not smiling (awful) at official functions. It’s about Bo, barreling into reporters and dignitaries. But nary a word about Sunny.

I’m glad she told us it was mica, because “peel-and-stick linoleum” would have been my first guess. Seriously, that is the flooring tile of choice for every shitty apartment I’ve ever been in.

Mica, my ass. That’s the old linoleum off Meemaw’s kitchen floor before we packed her off to Shady Pines, renovated and sold it out from under her.

It would also help if Nigerian media stopped promoting anti-GMO propaganda, such as claiming that “eating GMO rice is as bad as eating rice laced with rat poison”. Golden Rice and BioCassava were designed for exactly situations like those found in Nigeria, and while they are far from a magic bullet they can