
we are now boarding the passengers seated in the no class section of our fight.

he was told he was canned because he hadn’t “lived the luxury life.

Lived the luxury life? What does that even mean?

I agree. I wanted to see it. Had I watched it and thought it was glamorizing the KKK in any way I would have stopped but I was interested in a peek behind the sheet. It does seem important to know that this goes on and how in order to try to change it. I believe there was one woman in the trailer who was no longer

I read it because I wanted a deeper insight into the issue.

I wish. But an actual threat would say something like, “I/we should/will . . .”

I mean his statements are repugnant but I don’t really see how it can be construed as a threat, unless you think he’s going to force Obama to have sex with a cow.

What a perfect, amazing little suitcase bomb of fucked-uped-ness that was. Like, he hit that racism, misogyny, transmisogyny, homophobia... am I missing any?

Needs more Big Ethel.

Please tell me more about this local small business with the fast sandwiches

My husband went to all of my check-ups, but that was because I wanted him to. We’d usually check for a heartbeat and I wanted him there in case one couldn’t be found. I had to go to one appointment alone, though, because that is required just because they want the chance to ask you about violence in the home. The odd

Partner went to *every* medical appointment. Doctors all thought and said he was wonderful and so involved! As he was a medical professional too, they thought he was a real swell guy for making my appointments a priority.

One of the most satisfying and good-natured activities to do during the holiday season (unless you’re Andrew Lincoln

I could see ruling the trump v Vanity Fair thing shade because so many of the descriptions of food or decor are also things you could say about the man himself. For that reason, maybe a little shade?

You took me by the hand

I don’t understand this at all. Netflix is on the Internet. Getting on the Internet requires a browser. How else would one do it?