Bug Eyed

Marathon Petroleum, not Marathon Oil, a different company is the number one refiner in the US. They broke apart in 2011 and MO is now strictly upstream.

Ha, those are legit arguments! I think I can get behind that man. Guess you can always test drive at pickup if you don’t like have a contingency to walk away.

Unless you are a repeat buyer of a model or a brand, I do not see the allure of buying a car online. I think people still like to have a tangible relationship with the big ticket item they are buying and also take a stab at haggling on the price. There is no haggling in an online marketplace and no touching. 

I love that it says “fashion” on the side, things lost in translation are hilarious to me. Great videos Torch!

If you think American’s are ignorant racist POS’s, you have literally been to zero other countries and live under a rock. America is probably one of the LEAST.

LOL they’re kinda fun

Why would I shut up when trolling people on the internet is so fun? 

Valid counterpoint, I can respect that man. I’m sure this dude had ulterior motives but from a legal standpoint, it will be difficult to charge him with anything harsh, was the point. Even with overwhelming video evidence, he was still released from jail for a reason. We can’t just think our legal system is entirely

Update to the story that he drove around barriers, but did not hit anyone and came to a stop before causing any harm. He was dragged out of his vehicle and beaten. What crime has he done?

how did i witness this? I’m thousands of miles away lol

lol too dark for me man

not defending him more talking about the morons hanging out on the highway trying to disturb traffic 

lol ok, maybe stay off the freeway. I’m not siding with him but there should be some level of respect to a freaking highway

Greedy pricks never know when to stop “making an example of VW”. All other companies doing the same thing got a slap on the wrist. Cut this shit out, this is not the economic time to be acting like this. Fucking drop it already 

As he should be released! Get the trash off the freeway. He should have never stopped and put his life in danger. 

Who cares if he’s an epidemiologist (hot buzzword for people that wanted COVID to be a bigger deal than it ever was), it’s not like all these epidemiologists have predicted a fucking thing. Despite the fact that protesters have proven that social distancing is fucking pointless. Stop the fear crap, we’re all over it. 

Great info and perspective Adam. I am 5-9, guess a test drive will be in order with them in tow


911 is my absolute (attainable) dream car and will replace my stage 2 Golf R with one in the next few years. Right now I have a 5 and a 8 year old that seldom ride with me because we have an SUV. Question is, how sustainable are these to daily drive and take the kids on the occasional weekend getaway?

I would never own one because i’m nowhere near the demographic for this car but I do respect what KIA has been doing this last few years! Lot of really nice machines coming out of their camps.