Bug Eyed

Coal needs to die. 

I agree, only used as an example. EMTs, ha that’s a good one I hadn’t thought about in a bit. Those poor folks have it rough/messy and have to let the firefighter heroes take all the credit and pay.

Not sure what that means, i’m only saying here that I really DGAF about this strike. 

Oh I agree 100% with everything you said. I only used it as a comparo for this one because everyone thinks teachers are underpaid, let alone some dude tossing radio knobs on. 

100000% Correct Answer.

Great to see cops doing great things like this with the negative press that tends to surround them. Holy cow this is intense to watch. Kinda wish he had a bodycam on!

Will it baby?

Why do we give a single F about these guys working on an assembly line making the same or even double what some teachers are making? These same guys are voting against politicians who push for industry to stay in the USA.

Bring to USA. Me buy now. 

No, “woke culture” is ruining culture. 

I bought my R in 17 when my kids were 2 and 6, now they’re 4 and 8 and still loving it. He’s still in a front facing car seat and never had an issue. Now it’s 400hp and the kids love it. Wife, not so much. 

MPG is key here to maximize profits. I’d get a first gen Prius or Honda Insight Hybrid. 

Toyota gave BMW the deets this time :)

I see what you did there, unfortunately people will skip and let it repeat. 

Cool story and video! Thanks Torch!

Why are you so excited about a collapse happening? 

Sure looks like the BMW 840i of the same vintage. Has BMW and Toyota worked together before on the Supra!?!?!?

Gonna hug my R as well :)

Sorry, I value ALL lives whether it is *gasp* yours or even my own.

I don’t care who marries whom and science hasn’t definitively told me a thing. Stop the climate fear mongering to push hatred and agendas. Nice try