Bug Eyed

3 solid suggestions:

“Here you can see a long due pregnant mechmother giving birth to a little of offspring..

 That grill is the influence for modern BMW.. 

I think in most cases after the car leaves the dealer, the value only lies in the trim level and the options are mostly meaningless when it comes to impacting the price. If someone bought a base model and optioned it up to a premium level, that’s their loss. 

5 year anniversary already? Time flies like an arrow and fruit flies like a banana. 

That sounds pretty neat actually. Better have 3 pedals. 

Yesss another article where people say those things and you say your things! Everyone runs around going arrrrrrrrrrghhh!!! Noises!!!

Pretty sure it’s a baby from Ferrari, Corvette, and Camaro.

Can someone tell me when Acura is going to join the 0-60 race?

Look out 2028, i’m importing a 2003 Última Edición!!!!!!!

Hilarious! Well done

I posted something similar, 100% fact. 

I think the issue with these sort of things is the car reviewer culture that “all nannies need to be shut off immediately or your car will drive like garbage” is resulting in inherently bad drivers making mistakes.

This bridge has seen some serious abuse in it’s day and is completely unharmed. Very impressive!

When are people going to start talking about the insane unreliability of these land rovers? They look nice, drive like shit, shit resale, shit reliability, and no one cares?

13 year olds are really mouthy.

I think over the last 6-8 years cars have gotten to be more reliable than they have ever been and people are able to keep them longer. Tires are more durable than ever. Even cheapo cars are getting cool features that only lux models had 15 years ago. Maybe people are finally just happy with the cars they have? 

Maybe too difficult? Should have been multiple choice.. 

Holy crap the Trump Derangement Syndrome is so bad you’re critiquing his posture into being creepy? Get a fucking life