Bruh, seriously.. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! These are MY roads for M3 hooning!
Bruh, seriously.. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! These are MY roads for M3 hooning!
First Californian ever to come here to Colorado...
Orlove, we need a Little Engine that couldn’t update!
Please keep these updates coming. Very enjoyable reads!
Aren’t their bug shops every 30 feet in California? Stop in and ask them for some help haha.
*initiates slow clap*
I love Panamera’s and I don’t care who knows. I think the hater crowd has left the building. It’s now Jalop property. Jaloperty? This is good.
Video or didn’t happen.
I do it every single day with my M3 until winter is over here in Colorado. Not everyone lives in the hood man.
Aaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndddd the 2016 Guinness Book of World Records for the longest article title ever goes to............
I think this video summed it all up.
CRAP! I forgot about the GT90. I loved that car!
How I was introduced to gated shifters. I was fascinated!
Always a fight between my brother and I for the Mclaren or the F50. Decisions.. Decisions..
Agreed! The human mind instinctively loves symmetry too much for a car manufacturer to ever do this for the masses.
And we should keep the cools to ourselves! Those punk Europeans do it all the time to us.
*slowly lowers COTD lure into kinja waters..*
WeatherTech!! Literally laughed out loud. Good work hahaha
Most beautiful car you “CAN BUY”? Easily a Speedster Replica. Amazing car that anyone can afford and maintain.
It also most likely will not burn to the ground like it’s Italian counterpart for doing nothing other than existing.