bug-eyed frog

The hammer came down on them so hard it was excruciating to watch. But I think it went deeper than their outspokenness re Bush. It was also about their lack of interest in kissing the right (of course, male) asses in Nashville. Their music reflected a spirit of rugged, American individualism that threatened

Self absorbent guys arent all bad. You can use them to clean wine spills.

The rapist you’re defending here was proven guilty, you rape apologist piece of horseshit.

THIS is one of my biggest problems with religion. What makes someone a good, moral person is the person’s ACTIONS, not some invisible imaginary conversation in their head. You cannot do things that hurt people, and then “make it all better” by having an imaginary conversation in your own mind. Ugh.

So, they put her on speaker and made a video of the conversation. They intentionally mumbled the word “consensual” in a blatant attempt to trick her into saying something exculpatory. Bros over hos, AMIRITE?

From the linked story. Fuck this guy, pray all you fucking want, but your son violently raped at least 3 women, the article implies there are more and that he’s been doing it since High School. You raised a rapist so fuck your prayers. And fuck this guy, he’s “truly remorseful” because he got caught no other reason.

“What he did, obviously from what you explained, is terrible,” the fraternity member told her, “but I do want you to think about what the consequences [are] with him and his future. …”

I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that there is an intersection of Amy Schumer fans and Trump voters.

Those strategically located cats are my second favorite thing in the world right now. (First favorite being whoever leaked the tape.)

guys i am for real concerned that he didn’t know that a whole world lay beyond the US until like 2 months ago

And nothing will change about our gun laws. Shining city on a hill indeed.

See what happened there?

Kate is in heels and a dress, carting around a tiny human. How does she BEND that gracefully? Do your knees and core muscles become magic when you’re Royalty?

He used to love steak. Now he doesn’t even enjoy it!

My rapist admitted it to police the night of, he didn’t call it rape but admitted I couldn’t consent. I went to the hospital that night and documented all my injuries. He admitted to me in a text that he would plead guilty if I ever pressed charges. That wasn't enough for a Hennepin County prosecutor. I wonder if it's

Hennepin County is notoriously awful when it comes to prosecuting sex crimes. I know several women, myself included, whose perpetrators of rape, domestic violence, and violating restraining orders either were never charged or weren’t charged until multiple women came forward.

White dudes get in a fight with security, bust up a shop and then lie about getting mugged and Americans largely treat it like a joke, with some articles essentially describing the situation with a boys will be boys undertone .

Speaking on behalf of millions of depressives: shut the fuck up, LaToya.

Here’s one of the worst things about this POS getting off after murdering that little boy: you know one day he’s going to kill someone else. He’s already come close with his girlfriend(s?) in the past; it’s just a matter of time before he murders someone else. The jury that acquitted him and the DA office that