bug-eyed frog

May he be run over by a truck...26 times.

It’s hard out here for a pimple.

every guy’s apartment i’ve been to, there have been no trash cans in the bathrooms. thank you for having tampons and i guess i’ll just put the trash in my bag.

Period blood is only part of the whole period experience. Were they forced to use stool softeners to get period shits? What about a cramp machine? What about having to pass blood clots?

Sounds like these guys had the experience of what it’s like to be 12 and not know how to deal with having a period. For real world adulting period having, I’d like for them to suddenly be so tired one day all they want is to nap. Then 2 days later feel like they have to eat every item of food they can find. Then the

I do love a millennial who thinks 40 years olds are so old we don’t know what the internet is or how to use it. (do they not teach the history of the technology in school?)

As someone who suffers from various allergies, I’ll try to be as diplomatic as possible here. That said...

...but as a man, you don’t GET to have one.

Now I don’t know anything about design, but I really feel like they should come with a piece of chocolate and a midol inside each wrapper. Oh, and slip of paper with your fortune on it.

“I sure hope — we’re in Bernie Sanders’ backyard here in New Hampshire — I sure hope he intends to show up in his neighboring state”...“There is nothing worse than a debate about debates.”

I caught myself telling my boyfriend that I was “lucky” to go through 4 years of university without being sexually assaulted.

I recall telling a male friend once that every woman in my life has been attacked, raped, or physically abused at some point in their life, and that I felt lucky that the worst that has ever happened to me was being stalked and harassed on the street. He was horrified both by what I said about the women in my life and

“Why can’t women just be direct and honest if they don’t want to go out with you?!”

Maybe smug is the secret ingredient that gives Mast Bro’s chocolate it's distinctive assy flavor.

“We love making chocolate, and we have the audacity to think that we are pretty good at it too.”

Not to mention even if you get the tickets you are now going to see the artist in a massive venue with thousands of others and the speakers will be too loud so you can’t really appreciate it anyway. I don’t blame the Beatles for stopping touring; they were right.

“Flood my guts” just might be the grossest thing I’ve read today. In this bleak and vile cesspool that is the internet, that’s downright impressive. I’m not sure what the prize is, but you win it.

It can both be true that Caitlyn Jenner is not deserving of the Woman of the Year, and that this guy is an asshole for calling her a man.

I don’t know what’s deceptive about fabletics. They tell you multiple times when you sign up that if you don’t cancel your month by the 5th they charge you $49 that gets credited to your account. It makes you buy a gift card for yourself basically, and skipping a month takes one click. They also email you enough that

As an infertile, I give her props for keeping it real. This whole Mother Earth, every time I puke it is awesome narrative only hurts women.