bug-eyed frog

This guy is so pissed he can't see his baby that he FUCKING SHOOTS THE BABY.

This tells me she was 100% right in not wanting him to have visitation. This sucks.

I recognize this will change nothing because you’re evidently an asshole troll, but being triggered is a psychological and physiological response beyond a person’s control that requires a deep understanding of hormones, brain function, and PTSD to even start to understand the scope of it.

And yet she had a hit song with R. Kelly.

As a survivor,this was extremely triggering, but also provided me with validation. I was the victim of rape in a situation similar to the drugged girls in the video. My anxiety and OCD reared their ugly heads like never before. I fell into a depression, I almost had to leave college. My attacker has faced none of

*blearily stares at screen*

Got happy but then sad he was gonna break the gorilla’s heart by leaving.

Wrong India, Columbus.

“My husband and I are vegan. My daughter is vegetarian and both of them are allergic to gluten, lactose, shellfish, soya, onions, peppers and GM foods.” I’m assuming the kids survive on eating air, then. Assuming it’s not red air, cause they’d probably be allergic to that too.

Looks like the other women on board were traveling on the White Whine train.

You’re going to have something called a Wine Train and expect groups of women not to get rowdy? What’s the point then?!

We’re coming home along the Thruway and decide to stop at McD’s. There’s a woman and smallish kid in front of us getting huffy and I can tell this won’t end well. And in due time she starts yelling at the cashier, “Why is everything more expensive here? This is ridiculous! You’re ripping people off!” and so on, as the

Regarding the screaming woman in the pizza place: I did have an occasion once where my then 2.5 year old daughter asked me why some woman was yelling at an employee at my local grocery store. It gave me great pleasure to explain, very loudly, that the yelling woman was mean and nasty and probably very unhappy with her

my husband gets a different woman every month.

Tweezing out the spiky widdle chin-hairs as they appear. Don’t worry for long, girls— Father Time will soon bring this glorious routine to YOU, too! Hooray aging!

Trump is what the Republican party needs. He is what they deserve. I support Trump 2016 if only so that the Republicans may, finally, potentially, have to take a long hard look at themselves and ask "what the ever loving fuck?"

God, pencil skirts with their vent sewn shut make me want to wander around with manicure scissors.

“Brooklyn’s newest hot spot is ‘Sinkhole’. Located in Sunset Park on 5th Ave & 64th St, this club has everything - shattered blacktop, gas mains, a falafel vendor. You can also play a game of human traffic cones.”

Yeah, I’d be irritated if all the condiment cups and other options were out, but I certainly wouldn’t take it out on a harried concessions worker the way she did. And I wouldn’t pour soda all over a concession stand for some poor soul to clean up or for other fans to deal with. That’s just rude.