bug-eyed frog

I love the open chair at the end of the line. It’s silently implying so many things. Because you KNOW there are more out there. And more women that will be raped by others. It's almost an open invitation to other victims to feel like they could step up and join those women who were able to come forward.

Have they tried turning it off then back on?

A woman who shames other women in to abstaining from sex until marriage has had not one but two pregnancies out of wedlock?

your cat sounds fucking incredible tbh

My cat, who once opened a microwave oven while the popcorn was popping, has more self-control than the caramel lady.

My cat, who once destroyed a floor-to-ceiling lamp with her butt, has more self-control than the caramel lady.

My cat, who once fell off a bookshelf at 3 AM only to land butt-first on my face (catass

Thank you!

My wedding itself was a disaster, thanks to mommy dearest. Since the big wedding plans got cancelled, we were going to elope with just our photographers - we ended up inviting a few family members. ANYWAY. We went to a cupcake store while we were taking our pictures before we got married/met up with everyone, and

Pepperidge Farm cakes are AWESOME if you have just broken up with someone and want to eat your feelings from a box with a fork in front of your television.

I wanted a 3 tier square shape, small and simple. My ex husbands mother claimed to be the cake boss of the rural south and “could whip that up easy peasy.” She kept me up to date on cake progress and everything she was super stoked, and I bought the hype. Come the day of our wedding (April fools day actually) we get

I think what one considers to be the most horrifying tells you a lot about a person. Clicked expecting bodily functions, got stories of personal violation and shame. Am now a little disappointed in myself for thinking the former is what I had considered to be most horrifying. Good on you, Pinkham.

Re: the dirty diaper story. There was kerfluffe - pretty much blown over - on my FB feed because one of the mothers on there was angry at a waitress, who got mad when the parents decided to change the baby’s diaper on the dining table.

what is this i dont even

Well, there’s a big, fat wake-up call to anyone who doesn’t believe rape is a tool of war or that access to and control over one’s own reproductive care (including abortion) is a human right.

““Day-to-day life is unbearably stressful, as Emma and her mattress parade around campus each and every day,”

Dating is such a crapshoot. Recently, I thought I met a wonderful guy who said he was a feminist, liked independent women, and intelligent (geeky) women. We hit it off amazingly well, both mentally and physically, and then he just ghosted on me. No explanation, NOTHING. I’d guess that he is seeing someone else, but

I’ve been in this situation before. To open up to someone like you never did before in your entire life, only to suddenly have the door slammed in your face... metaphorically speaking. It leaves you speechless and ashamed. And then something inside of you says “See? I told you to be carefull. You knew this was going

Yet her selfie crimes go unpunished

Flying on a plane with your period is just irresponsible. You want to attract flying bears? Because that’s how you attract flying bears.

Frankly, I think it’s just stunningly childish and irresponsible that these people would get on airplanes without up to date Cooties vaccinations in the first place.