bug-eyed frog

Okay, I'm just this side of drunk and I'm fully immersed in sad, so I'm going to write a novella here. I had the most chill cat you would ever want to meet. And he died yesterday from fucking lung cancer, leaving my 12-year-old daughter and the rest of us absolutely wrecked.

10,000 years from now, they'll think they discovered the lost city of Atlantic Avenue

What happened to 1-66, and why is it so critical that we abort 67?

Ugh. Eye contact. They say it's important to smile and make eye contact, but it's a fucking trap.

Are you

I am especially interested in that aspect of the de-hooding. I can only hope that it goes nationwide so that the ratio of cops/KKK finally convinces my fellow white people that cops killing black people just MIGHT be a racial thing.

I'm... ok with this.

"Cease your apathy. This concerns all of us."

Now that whole rape thing, that's just an isolated incident. But being unable to get turnt this weekend, that concerns all of us.

All men are disposable too.

Given that Victoria's Secret doesn't carry bras in my size, I'm not wild about A Body for Every Body, either.

That's just low. He should get his ass disbarred to see how he likes it. Scumbag.

"I better hurry and tell all the ladies in the world what my penis thinks of them, so they can base their self-worth around it! You're welcome, ladies."

Once upon a time there was a girl with a broken heart. She couldn't sleep. She couldn't eat. She couldn't Handle Life. Fifteen years passed. She finished school, reached professional goals, got married, purchased a home, and had a baby. Meanwhile, the boy who broke her heart became addicted to heroin, got clean,

They tend to argue that their hair doesn't smell. I tend to argue that they are wrong.

It is like the natural birth thing. Women who breastfeed and have natural births can feel "mommier than thou".

God, I love her. Can't she run in 2016?! Hillary/Michelle 2016!!! Motherfucking lady dream team right there.

I fucking love her.

Team Cat Headquarters here,

I have one male coworker who's big into the Botox. I always try to sneak up on him and scare him on the days he has it done just to see if his face'll move.