Not being from an area where there is either Uber or cabs, is it just the fact that they're easy to hail on a smartphone, or is there something else that makes them better?
Not being from an area where there is either Uber or cabs, is it just the fact that they're easy to hail on a smartphone, or is there something else that makes them better?
From what I could tell, they are living in either Australia or Ireland and he's in Germany with a new baby and a new lady. So..................................... good on the original family, not good for the new one.
The rest of the website was just as terrifying. He constantly was doxxing people from his ex-wife's…
My idiot husband informed his mother that we had been thinking of having another child (like not immediately, just that we could possibly not be one and done).
Same here! My ASMR is only triggered by voices when it's unintentional (some of the voices in stories on programs like This American Life, or audiobooks) - these whisper videos make me feel a bit sick, maybe because it feels like they're staring at you/putting it on.
I really hope that kid later got hit by a bus or something. Maybe murdered in a drug deal gone wrong senior year?
When I was 8, a neighborhood kid hooked both of my feet out from under me during a game of kick the can. My feet hooked upward and my face smashed into the gravel. I broke my nose, fractured the roots of my two front teeth, split my chin open, and had to go to the dentist to have blacktop and gravel removed from my…
Do you keep them separate and then mix them when you dip? That's what I do, I don't mix them prior. I have two separate piles for dipping, but I dip into both each time. I'm so glad that someone else does this. I've never tried it on eggs, I use ketchup on them all the time, but I know what I'm trying for breakfast…
As far as I know, only people in Cincinnati like Skyline. Up here in Cleveland, we prefer polish or Italian...or slavic...or craft beer...or really anything...
Also, could you pick a less homosexual, emo, hipster panel?
I love doing this with bocconcini (the little mozzarella balls). You have to leave them out to dry out a bit, since they come packaged in water, but they ease up the cutting part and make the end product a little more consistent, since all the pieces are roughly the same size.
I am not a fan of proposal videos. Sorry people, I appreciate the planning, the talent, and the creativity that…
And the wimpy-ass "would be disturbing to think" rather then just owning his own thoughts.
Once I am the overlord of the Jezebel Commenting system, you will be the first to go.
wow. lol
I'll apologize for that, on behalf of us bigger folks. It's a particular bit of privilege that I only recently just discovered I had. To be honest, I have never thought about myself as scary or intimidating...because I'm (an affable, hyper, easy-going bloke). However, I hit six feet and 200 lbs in sixth…
Oh really? Ever worked on a kitchen staff before?
"She said, 'I'm sorry.' And I said, 'That's not good enough. You should have known,'" Celeste said. "You just made someone with an emotional disorder so much worse."
I was not fucking around. I never fuck around.