It’s such a ridiculously convoluted way to get a free trip to Chicago.
It’s such a ridiculously convoluted way to get a free trip to Chicago.
Trudeau is fucking beautiful.
D’fwink responsibly.”
We let you guess. Run along now.
See above re: eating dicks.
Good. I hope all this stress is shaving years off these shitferbrains’ lives.
Aren’t models, at the very least, supposed to be attractive?
Seriously, I hope they’re all fucking destitute by 2020.
*massive eye roll*
Go fuck yourself. How’s that for free speech, dickbag?
Go fuck yourself
He’s so fucking stupid.
Gee, thanks
He’s so fucking stupid. He just spews utter nonsense. It’s un-fucking-real.
“Trump is here now”
These fucking cowards.
Take a breather. Or a seat.
You seem shook.