
Take a fucking seat.

Does this mean we can finally get a sequel to Salt?

I liked it, OK!

Oh, this is great. I hated that you couldn’t customize your character in Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire.

It’s the fault of the police for BEING gigantic pieces of shit in this instance.

Gosh, you’re so brave.

Awesome to see Supergirl getting a push in all types of medium these days.

This article speaks to me.

don’t give President Trump any ideas

Very classy, which makes her look even sillier.

“this is BULLSHIT!”

Will it be as equally stupid and boring as Bravo’s Boy Meets Boy

lol ho boy

Not shocking in the least.

As someone who is recently interested in buying a PS4, thank you for this.

it’s certainly a broad and unspecific term

Paquin never got a fair shot to really do Rogue any justice in the X-Men movies. It bums me out how small her role was in DOFP, even in the “Rogue Cut.”

She was literally doing her job.

You’re the bitch here. BYE.

Overreact much?

It seriously happens all the time. I know that’s not reassurance, it’s just a fucking shitty truth.