Cary Grant's Bufflehead

I think this is bad news for esports. Esports are absolutely brutal. If more top players turn to streaming for a living then the quality of tournament play will drop.

What is $400 bucks worth back then?

I don’t know about this, but who am I? Just some Irishx schmuck.

I heard KB Toys has a bunch in stock around the country.

But this will kill all my free time at PAX EAST next year.

Because of all these articles a week ago I had to binge watch the show ahead of when I planned to. Great show. Now I get to read all the articles and comments I chose not due to spoilers.

Generally these observers, in my experience, are lawyers or law students. Worries me that he might have under trained supporters screaming at the polls.

The dumbbell burpee is ambitious. Already heart scorching without dumbbells. I would also switch in elastic bands and tubes for some of these when wanting to do something a little different.

This happened to me from high school. I forgot all about the letter. I received it last year after 10 years of waiting. Confused me a lot seeing my handwriting on something mailed to me. I thought someone was pranking me. I was awful at predicting my own future let alone the world’s. I was an idiot.

She was Lana on series finale of Star Trek: Voyager. He will piss off the Trek vote by doing this.

The batter needs to be ready. Have an army of smaller mixers or rent a couple larger ones. Then buckets. We used batter dispensers, but bottles or ladles would work too. You also need to rent several grills. If you are using gas grills test them out the day before and maker sure they are level. This isn’t hard. This

Cooking pancakes for 800 people is a (pan)cake walk. I have either run or been part of a pancake breakfast for the last 5 years that feeds over 2000 people. Pancakes are the easy part. Bacon and sausage are the worst. You also need to show up really early to start making coffee for so many people. If his campaign

Just destroy the tape. Screw the NFL.

It is merely a bonus for his work on Red Shoe Diaries.

How much is Gawker worth? I’d buy it and bring back The Vane.

What’s with the dicks they have to fly between?

I would hate to see what they would do with Picard in this universe. #notmytrek

Rocky lost in Rocky 1.

Will it have a Zune interface? I would love to use it with my Zune.

I went from playing Destiny to Halo. I kept wanting to wave at over players and dance. I wish more games would let me interact like this.