
Not quite clear, no. I have both driven and ridden in the Verano on multiple occasions. It does its job very well as a small-car take on the 'traditional' Buick qualities: it's comfy, it's quiet, it is loaded with features for its size, and the fact that it outsells the ILX by multiples is because it out-ILXes the

It wasn't the price, it wasn't because it's a Buick. It was because it's a horribly boring Buick with awful taillights and zero sporting pretense.

Harrier Carrier, meet Harry Caray.

God-fearing, patriotic, gun totin' Texan boobs.

Here he comes

Agreed. The museum itself is a beautiful building, the Rivera mural is breathtaking, and the exhibits are wonderfully curated. I bought a membership this year simply to take advantage of the special exhibit schedule in 2014 — the other benefits are just gravy. Make Me Move was a very different take on 'museum

11 cats? You rock. Similar to you and Maine Coons, i've never met a Birman, but they're beautiful cats.

You gon' get ate.


This appears to be a Maine Coon. If so, Ashley Force isn't just a cat person...

The death toll suddenly increased.

Quite awhile unless a transverse gearbox mates up easily to the 'Stang engine. Plus mounting points.

We won WW2, so we won the rights to Wagner.

8-bit typo.

my friend's mother makes $83 /hour in a bear. She has been fired for eight months but last month her check was $21061 just laying in a bear for a few weeks. try this site

Employee of the Month.

EDIT: And I realized that I just rephrased the gist of the article. Awesome. Go me.

Yes, and no.

Gamagoori has one size: bigger than you.