A Perfectly Cromulent Burner

“Give him the boot, he saw ‘Roots’, which he thought was radical!”

White shirts, white hair, white fan, race attack.

BarackaObama is a shadow account that belongs to one of the writers. It may in fact be Libby’s. Lord knows she cannot take criticism and neither can this account. TomatoFace is Hamilton and dudebra is someone extremely boring, possibly Crosbie.

Does... does she not know that ASU is shorthand for “DeVry but with binge drinking?”

If it’s destined to fail in the senate, it’s not worth spending the political capital on a hollow victory. I'm in agreement with non racist Speaker Pelosi here. 

Impeachment would be futile (Senate will never convict), would use up all the oxygen, and could easily be a political disaster. There is almost no point pursuing.

I thought it was pronounced GREE-lish.

Yeah, but it would have been exactly the same thing if Hillary had won and it was important for liberals to send a message to the establishment by staying home or voting 3rd party on Election Day. 

84% of North Dakota farms received Federal farm subsidies between 1995-2017. In 2017, North Dakota farmers collected $1,141,257,043 worth of Federal subsidies, putting them second only to Texas. 

Bro do you even know what it’s like here in the grays? Don’t stand on your black pedestal and say you’re the same as me. Don’t run a comment system of injustice and tell me to be mad at celebrities. You don’t know our pain, and I’m sure you don’t care to, oblivious to what it’s like, to how I feel.

It’s at a church, not on public land.

Probably on private land.  Just like the horrible confederate flags you see alongside I-75 in Florida.

interestingly enough.....

This should have been a Dead Letters entry.

I can just see it in 2021.

how many morons are going to star his nutbar idea of no states.

Matt Gaetz went to law school at William and Mary, which while not Harvard is ranked in the top 30. He’s been in elected office since 2010. His father is also a lawyer, and also a politician. So he’s no neophyte when it comes to this stuff, and surely should have known better.

Yeah, a bad take on this seems right up Libby’s alley.