A Perfectly Cromulent Burner

I am a lawyer who has also worked as a journalist and marketing/communications professional. I have met very smart and very dumb people in all three fields. Some of the very smart people are poor because the specific niche they chose to work in is rewarding in ways that don’t fatten their bank accounts. Some of the

Man who wants to be POTUS refuses to tell voters what he would do if he was elected President.

You know, he’s right. We are a divided nation and I for one welcome his candidacy as it will give every American, regardless of their race, gender or political affiliation, a chance to come together and say “Is this douchebag for real?

It’s amazing what the Democrats can achieve if they flatly refuse to capitulate to Trump’s agenda!”

CHRIST with the fucking dogs. “nothing is more Buzzfeed” indeed.


you are doing Glob’s work to be able to read that site without clawing your eyes out

put it in my veins

Nancy totally stole your lunch money, bubbeleh. Sad!

Yeah, it is. I was lucky enough to live there for 6 years. Could never afford to buy a house but it was cool growing up in that community. The rest of Colorado, when you leave the microcosms of wealth, is kind of a shitshow. 

The really galling bit of this is that this is the same man who likely called in debts and absolutely strangled debtors (in the financial/legal sense—I somehow doubt he’d be capable of the literal, given those hands) who were even a day or two late on payments.

Dude styled himself “the king of debt,” not because he had

Wait, I thought after the whole Kavanaugh debacle that we weren’t supposed to worry about past transgressions?  Boys will be Boys, et al? 

For every bad-faith take about Warren wanting to take 3% of everyone’s money there will be 10 takes about Pocahontas. This is America, after all, where ignorance is a virtue, and freedom is brought to you by the fine people at Wells Fargo.

Prepares for troll army’s arrival to crash the whole site by posting en masse...

You can’t take away from Smaug’s treasure pile!  He’s a job creator!

I can’t wait for all the bad-faith takes shrieking about Warren wanting to take 3% of everyone’s money.

Elijah Cummings with a bunch of fired up Justice Democrats backing him up on the House Oversight Committee is why voting matters in both primary and general elections. They have the ability, resources, and desire to lay waste to corruption.

Flash forward to 2020:

I guess if you send a kid to a school that reaffirms all the racist/elitist bullshit you say at home it would be a no brainer.

VALERIE SEBESTYEN: Do you follow numerology at all?