Probably a brain fart bc there's a Devonte Adams on the Packers who was minorly injured last night too.
Probably a brain fart bc there's a Devonte Adams on the Packers who was minorly injured last night too.
Yes, I also loved seeing the various iterations of red linked at the bottom of every Gruden article.
Obviously - it brings my BMI down.
That is how my husband and I ended up listening to an hour of Michael Savage during a traffic standstill in the mountains when no FM stations would come in. Of course, this was back in 2014 when that was a weird and amusing interlude rather than a horrific glimpse into the psyche of 45% of the country.
Yeah, ever since Sirius XM deleted the Bay area traffic channel AM radio has been my best source for local traffic updates.
Oh, come on that's not fair. I'm sure this high school football coach in Arkansas is much more intelligent and competent than anyone currently in the white house.
Evidently, all the bikers were Arizonans
How did you not mention that they cast Liv Tyler in her exact Armageddon role?
It’s not like the Aces got run off the floor. The game was within a possession basically the whole second half. Cambage went 25 and 12.
All that wedding horseshit is why we eloped.
I’m sorry that happened to you.
And shit, if he's really interested in psychology, there are any number of studies he could read explaining why child victims of sexual abuse often respond in that seemingly paradoxical manner.
I audibly said wow when I read that except where gladwell judged Sandusky's victims for not behaving as he thinks victims of sexual abuse should act. What a repugnant POS.
Atlas? I think they mean Princess LittlePiddles
Or we just find some ewoks
Thank you so much for this
Accused Sex Criminals is kind of an excellent band name.
He needs to either start dying his beard stubble or stop shoe polishing his hair before he starts to look like Coach K.
This is going to turn up on Forensic Files in 20 years.
Philly is by far my favorite city I've never lived in