Buffay the Vampire Layer

This is going to turn up on Forensic Files in 20 years.

Philly is by far my favorite city I've never lived in

Why is it a thing that injured players have to walk off the field on their injured leg or - best case scenario - supported by a trainer much tinier than they are. Why not bring over a cart or even some damn crutches? It can’t be good for any injury to put a ton of weight on it immediately, yet NFL and college players

So stop coming here. We won't miss you.

Yeah, kick six implies some sort of like defensive touchdown, not that a kickoff was returned for a TD, which happens pretty often.

It’s not either-or. We can want him to be held accountable to his victims while at the same time hoping he gets help for his own issues.

Can someone explain hats like that to me? Where the chin strap is on the lower face instead of under the chin?

lol in what state can you be disbarred for declining to proactively divulge a client confidence? Model Rule 1.6(b)(1) says an attorney may, but is not required to, reveal a client confidence when necessary to prevent death or substantial bodily harm. And these texts don’t even rise to that.

Why do you think he didn’t tell Brown to not contact these women? He obviously can’t tell the media that his client disregarded his advice.

No data plan plus apparently no home wifi

I might have been able to buy it but for her legal team's response. It's malpractice to not get client authorization before sending letters like that. 

Yes, that's why they have employees who do that and report the important information to them. Like who they're suing and why, for instance. Unless you believe all her attorneys were consistently committing malpractice by taking legal action without client authorization.

She waited until 2018 to say anything political. She waited until 2019 to make any kind of pro-gay rights stance. Born this Way came out in 2011, by way of contrast.

SFO's faster to get to from the city and has covered parking. I only fly out of oak when I'm flying Southwest

Hope he washed it before cooking heroin again

I don’t give a rats ass about the opinion of any random hillbilly. I care that this particular shitheel is given a platform to spread his retrograde idiocy.

Yeah, mine’s cold water only.  But I live in California, so cold is really more like room temperature.  If I were still living in my apartment in NYC where the cold water was around 45 degrees I’d invest in one of the bidets that heats the water up for you.

Fuck all the people in the comments defending this bastard. I don’t care if he’s old and white, that doesn’t make him or his sexist shit harmless. These motherfuckers need to be called on their shit. Waiting for them to die out won’t work - there’s always going to be a new generation of assholes to take their place.

The guy is attempting to be Dave Barry but failing miserably because he can’t help being so repugnantly misogynistic.  That’s not well-meaning.