[insert trump joke here]
[insert trump joke here]
Talking bout practice.
I think their next album, Undercover, has enough solid tracks to count as well. But yeah, there are a few decent singles here and there after that - I’m really partial to Highwire - but lots of entirely skippable filler too.
Ok, you know what? This is a fairly anonymous forum so I’ll be honest here. The “opiate crisis” is blown astronomically out of proportion and it’s fucking over pain patients. That statistic about how most opiate addicts started with pills? It neglects to mention that the vast majority of them started with *stolen…
Ah, a self hating sports fan
Why Earth are you on deadspin then?
Karate Mike seems like the Philly version of Dan Smith will teach you guitar.
Whereas I'm 30, floss once a day or more and brush after most meals, but I've already got one crown and have had probably a dozen cavities.
Sportsball is so fucking grating. If you're on reddit r/ihatesportsball is a fucking great collection of those assholes.
I need to drop about 20 pounds, and this fucking toenail teeth thing is going to help me do it.
Using "we" is not the reason that guy sucks.
Learning to bat left handed is much easier than you'd expect. My (left handed) dad taught me in a couple of weekends and I actually became pretty competent at it despite not being such a natural athlete.
Of course they can't honestly pretend to forget the government roots of segregation. They'll do it anyway because they don't give a rats ass about honesty or integrity or not being hypocrites.
Yeah, that's what you say, but I'm from North Jersey and thus am a Soprano.
I have long maintained that fantasy sports exist, in large part, for men who don't enjoy the experience of watching games, but who feel compelled to identify as a fan because of our culture's entrenched toxic masculinity. Fantasy gives these poor guys something to care about and pay attention to instead of the actual…
That makes total sense and is something I had not considered.
College IM is often co ed though. I always loved playing sports but I certainly wasn’t good enough in anything but softball to play competitively with men. And I don’t want to drag down a whole team like I did the semester I played flag football. So, as an anecdote of one, I can tell you that a lack of women's IM…
Wow, I'm surprised that cheer isn't considered a sport at the HS level. Seems like shooting themselves in the foot, at least wrt title ix.
Shoulder separation does usually show up on x-ray; the collarbone will be raised a bit.