Buffalo Mike

Here at Jalopnik, it’s no secret that we’re very “anti-brand.”. I guess Porsche isn’t a brand. 

Greased with copper???????????? WOW. I feel sorry for whomever gets the car after you.

Yes yes yes. Seen this a million times working at a dealer. Customers keep going to different shops til they get a sticker.

Soooo. What did he pay for it????

The problem I have seen (worked in service department for 20 years) is a lot of these people shouldn’t have been hired in the first place. And the rest are hired convinced that if you just take care of customers and know the product you’ll be making six figures by the second year. It doesn’t take long to figure out

Problem is for every one dealer group like yours there are 10 that aren’t.

“Good resale value” lol!

$30 an hour is rare and only one or two techs in a dealer usually make that,and less than $30 is more common (except for major metro areas). Many “B” level techs are below $20, and entry level techs (some with automotive degrees) barley make it into the teens. 

It’s the same for most of the country. There’s just less cowards in the Chicago area.  

Word. If consumers only saw what really goes on with NADA, lobbying, closed door meetings and the legal wars dealers wage to help themselves. I pray for the day something really hits the fan and everything is brought to light. But I’m not holding my breath with the massive advertising cash dealers dump on the media.

Trust me. 98% of dealerships make SUBSTANTIAL net profit. Well into seven figures.

Try flat rate for a few years. Then make a judgement.

So fuck the mechanic because the dealer owners were scumbags?

I think I worked with that guy! Then again he sounds perfect for the owners.

Dealers take good care of hacks like that.

This article is spot on! I just got out of the auto repair business for these exact reasons.

I thought they were lease only.

Jalopnik kinda sticking up for the Porsche dealer. Why am I not suprised.

That’s Heveninghan Hall Concours. These are car shows for the rich that take place on private estates. Everyone gets a nice buzz going and tears around on private property so no dwi.