“Ya, well f**k you. I can do whudever I want. I got all tha coinz.”
Sorry. I meant “... is not a thing.”
Bob is the worst. I feel bad that he got pink eye, er whatever eye infection, but I was so happy to be able to watch and hear the Olympics in Sochi without having to mute my TV.
Admittedly, I’m no legal expert, but I’m quite sure simultaneously “be[ing] in jail” (as towelie stated above) and being on an active NFL roster is a thing. So, ya. The best greg could hope for would be the CA penal league.
your words show that you missed his point.
Everytime I see a story about a Vantage I pray that there might be video with exhaust soundtrack... sad day
maybe you’d be a more pleasant human being if you took yourself more seriously?
First, I realize I am embarrassingly late to this conversation, but...
For that money, I’d get many other things.
nice try, comrade-troll
you haven’t lived until you’ve tried reverse grip
they not broadcasting in HD up in Nova Scotia yet?
ironically, many strength coaches on the sidelines during football games are tasked with “sideline control” - ie, keeping all sideline personnel (players, coaches, training staff, etc) from interfering with sideline judges.
and... a couple swings of the hammer at the end for good measure.
serial? tahoe, escalade, yukon... same damn thing. All you are buying is different options - no different than just adding leather. They’re not different vehicles. Were they conceived as a result of different development budgets? If so, I’d guess it was only for those very options that differentiate these models.…
video = major un-excitement; unsatisfied; needs garlic
prove it, troll
whatcha listenin to?