
11+ years later - did they make a 2.0T with quattro for sale in the US?

Unimpressive. A stock 15 year old e39 is audibly miles ahead of this, granted this is obviously not a production version yet.


Thanks for calling it. You were totally the first to call it.

Ya, I don’t know...

the. tits.

I’m just spit-balling here, but: GT-R, various 911's, do you consider Ariel Atom V8s to be production?, ... it’s kinda hard to tell when no one else is even allowed an opportunity, don’t ya think?

I thought you meant President Of The American States

cool take

Ya, but only if melting the skin of your kids is the goal.

F new new Top Gear. How in the fudge nuggets have I not seen THIS show yet?!!!!!!

Sorry in advance for not watching enough old on-board F1 vids, but what’s the deal with the several seemingly lengthy and blip-less downshifts? Is he dropping more than one cog at a time? Being that it’s happening in an F1 cockpit, I would assume that it was on purpose.

Sorry in advance for not watching enough old on-board F1 vids, but what’s the deal with the several seemingly lengthy and blip-less downshifts? Is he dropping more than one cog at a time? Being that it’s happening in an F1 cockpit, I would assume that it was on purpose.

that was easily one of the most poser, wanna-be attempts at attaching a product to group B via video in the history of marketing or posers.

rad profile name

Just bring your own letters and write the following out underneath the entire rear decklid:

if in US, poser.


Easy: so they don’t get keyed by the jealous plebeians.

ever heard of fisting?