Buffalo girl

Before we go any further: Southwest is definitely not beneath me. United and their garbage are definitely beneath me. Fuck United.

Part of being smart is knowing what you don’t know. He has no intellectual curiousity, none.

It’s a mark of intelligence to recognize what you don’t know and seek counsel and knowledge about it. Only stupid people think they know everything.

Congratulations on making the joke that is simultaneously obvious, inevitable, yet still unfunny.

SAE is literally the only frat I can name (my school doesn’t have greek life) and it’s only because they are always in the news for doing racist and/or sexual assualty things. ugh.

It also just occurred to me that there’s a very, very good chance they hired a just-graduated SAE member.

Yeah-with some men, being collegial at a basic level seems to be a broad invitation to them to believe that sex is a possibility. I have had this experience. It makes you feel like you shouldn’t be friendly at all to male colleagues after that, which will sabotage your ability to get things done in the long run. There

I haven’t even read this yet, because I can’t stop giggling at that photo. The way the guy behind him and the picture is perfectly framed to make Corey look like he has a ginormous, misshapen head is cracking me up (I’m on cold meds).

Because if it’s around, I’ll eat it. I share a KIND bar sometimes with my assistant, and that’s great because then you have half of the calories.

Like the Bechdel Test: The lowest possible bar, glued firmly to the floor, and we still can’t fucking step over it without face-planting.

It’s so fucked up because she wasn’t even trying to bring criminal charges against him. She was trying to win the right, for herself, to work with anyone else. You would think that really, really, superlatively low bar would be within reach...

If the richest, most famous white women can’t get even the slightest hint of justice, why the fuck should any other woman expect anything positive to come of reporting the abuse they survive?

Nice humble bragging

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