Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo

If it's Brown...oh, never mind.

I'm a lawyer, so I probably would be attacked too. Even though I have been in evangelical churches all my life.

It doesn't, but believers were misguided here.

Because American Christians saw the effects of alcoholism upon families.

We are human. We think riches are a blessing, and so did the disciples — that was the Jewish way of thinking. But Paul asserted that Jesus' words were correct in 1 Timothy 6:9-10. Riches are a snare because they tend to make us satisfied with this life, instead of longing for the eternal one — and I will be the

Read Romans 1:24-32 for the answer to your question. It's interesting that no one ever cites this passage, but Leviticus is cited. Also, remember the context in which Paul is writing — if anything, homosexuality was more open then (during the Roman Empire) than it is now.

Yes. Yes I would (at least on Raymond, anyway). Patricia is from my wife's hometown: Bay Village, Ohio.

Ah, yes...the fat guy with hot wife/girlfriend dynamic. So popular in shows of the early 2000s.

My poorly made YouTube videos are better than "According to Jim".

Regarding the Sabbath, Christians are no longer bound to observe a Sabbath day (Colossians 2:16-17; Galatians 4:9-11) because Jesus fulfills the purpose and plan of the Sabbath for us and in us. (Hebrews 4:9-11).

What you are speaking of are the Old Testament dietary laws, which were settled at the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15, where it was determined that obedience to the Mosaic/Jewish rituals was not required for followers of Jesus. This is why Christians can eat bacon, shrimp, and lobster.

I like the show — and I generally despise reality television.

Nice. My Mom always liked this song. She's still with us, but Glenn has Alzheimer's and may not be much longer.

Who wants to travel from Syracuse all the way to Houston to watch the Orange take on Minnesota in the Texas Bowl?

So what you are saying is that we should all retire to Tennessee. Not a bad place to be.

I notice I've been eating a lot of Oreos lately. I don't even like Oreos, unless they are covered in chocolate from this place.

Do you think the Browns or some other team will throw 90 million over five years at Cutler? He will get paid, no question.

The sad thing is, the nearest IKEA is in — guess where — Pittsburgh.

Garrett's a smart guy. Went to University School here in the Cleveland area and graduated from Princeton.