Buenas Noches Londres

My husband's from California and used to think he had no accent. But then he came to my land and now everyone comments on his accent.

YES. So different. Tonic I love; soda's just bland and ugh.

Essex is even worse/better – I say it "w'-uh'"

I cracked up the first time I heard Californian say "p'caaaaaaaaahn". We say "pee-can" here, like it's pee in a can, which is now really hilarious to me because I'm five, apparently.

I sometimes got in a water rage when I lived in the US. I'd ask for water in a restaurant, and the waiter wouldn't understand me, and we'd just go back and forth because me saying it in an American accent would be so massively pretentious and silly – I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

I know of an Englishwoman who moved to the US a year or two ago and sounds SO COMPLETELY AMERICAN. It's hilarious. We work together (in different offices) and when she was visiting us at HQ I had to actively avoid her because I didn't trust myself to converse with her. I lived in the US for eight years and by the end

Yes! My husband really grew into himself and got super hot, at the same time as I got all fat. It's sort of fun. I have a mega handsome husband and eat delicious food all the time.

YES. Someone who didn't drink or eat cheese would be difficult for me to spend a great deal of time with – and I'm sure they'd find me tiresome, too.

Yeah, I don't want to be camped out at an airport… but showering in the comfortable lounge before getting on a flight is really pleasing.

My American husband in London visibly shudders every time he hears an American accent. It's hilarious. I start going "Your people! Your people!" to make it worse. I am evil.

I do adaptable outfits that I can change in my seat. Many layers. I did London to Spain and back at the weekend and there was a lot of slipping things on and off.

I have an irrational love of showering and sleeping and changing clothes at airports. It just feels so funny to be doing home things at a non-home place.

I got on a flight with a woman who was wearing teeny little running shots – the type that expose a good fifty per cent of your arse – with big granny knickers underneath. And she had a pushchair so she had to walk aaaaaaall the way to the front past aaaaaall the people in the queue. Much gawping occurred.

The way in which is fails entirely is my current situation – my American bank has massively fucked me over for a year and a half, and my emails to them (because I want everything in writing, rather than on the phone, where they're recording it and I can't be arsed to) are SO OBVIOUSLY DRIPPING IN HATRED AND VIOLENT

My own mother does the Mean Girls "Oh, you really do think you're pretty?" thing to me. She'll give me a compliment, and I'll thank her/agree, and she'll go, "Ooh, modest, aren't we?" CRAZINESS.

Yeah, in the US friends and colleagues were genuinely worried about me because I said so many negative things about myself and my work, so I worked hard on being more positive (even though it felt silly – most of the time the problem was just that I'd be joking and no one got it). Eventually I came back to the UK and

That really is lovely.

I've always got the impression with her that nothing she does is accidental. (But, on the other hand, "beating them off with a stick" is such a normal expression that I probably wouldn't even have thought it hilarious unless someone had pointed it out!)

I think the thing is that someone can *try* to fraudulently use copyright law for evil – like in this case – but generally that will be pretty easily countered by proper use of copyright law, which will happen in this case. The site's just delaying and making a fuss to get attention – there's no way it can actually

Yeah, publishing naked pictures of people without their consent for creepy pleasure is gross, whether the person doing it is the copyright holder or not.