Buenas Noches Londres

None of us in the UK had ever heard that at the time – and this is the first time I've heard it now, actually. It's not something that's come up in conversation very much over the years.

Yeah, I never came to a conclusion on that — I lived in the US, too, and if someone said "I love that girl's hair… the girl to the left, in the green dress… no, not that one, the Asian girl…" then I'd be looking for a South Asian girl rather than a girl who was, as I would say, Oriental.

I emailed my friend and told her she couldn't be "Oriental" in the US, when I found out, and she had to be "Asian" instead, and she was equal parts bewildered and amused. (I think her exact words were, "Well, they can fuck right off with that!") We had just genuinely never heard of it being an issue at all until that

I saw them last year, and it was super, super fun being the youngest person at a concert and giggling at "grown ups" doing wild dancing.

I saw them last year; it was great.

That's delightful!

Is it normal to give everyone plus-ones? We only invited people we knew – it would've been a *huge* wedding otherwise!

I'm with you.

I thought this too, so I Wikipediaed and have found that they're named after ROYAL H BURPEE!

It's all optional!

I'm not really all that interested in heroin, to be honest.

I think I just must've thought all my drug friends had a pleasingly quaint turn of phrase! (They all thought my use of "reckon" made me sound like a cowboy, so we were even.)

Fascinating! I used to hang out with far too many meth addicts and you'd think I would've heard it with all the xanax and more everyone was taking… but perhaps I never noticed it because to me it was just a quaint phrase for falling asleep.

Ooh, this is fascinating to me from a wordy point of view — is "nodding off" a specially drug-implying phrase nowadays? I hadn't heard it in that context before but noticed a couple of other people on this post saying it too… to me it's more of an old-fashioned phrase that my nan might use (and my nan is really

Ha, maybe we're just all old-school here.

Ha, I'm UK married to US, too! I planned our whole Californian wedding from London and only arrived a fortnight in advance, so no one beyond the two of us really got much input into anything. (Plus, I'm lucky that my in-laws know better than to do any weird surprise shit.)

Yeah, there's no way in hell I'd wear the dress my sister's stipulating for fun, so I'm glad I'm not paying for it!

I actually got married in the US and we (the bloke and I) paid for almost all of it ourselves. We're clearly doing it wrong!

This makes me glad I'm not American and didn't get involved in bridesmaiding while I lived there. I always thought brides pay for everything they require of their bridesmaids (which has been my experience both as a bride and a matron of honour).

I kind of want it. My willpower is rubbish.