
What exactly is Erik Adams trying to get us to watch? He says "Don't be afraid of studio audiences!" and then proceeds to name a bunch of old shows that had studio audiences that people liked but no new ones we should watch. Odd.

Nah, they'll split it up into a 13 year viewing cycle, one episode per year. It backfires when after nearly a decade after filming has wrapped up one of the actors spills the ending while drugged on anesthetic during a dental procedure.

Robert Forster as some sort of hybrid between Max Cherry and Ed the Disappearer (from Breaking Bad)?

How about Chiklis as "fugitive VIC MACKEY" AND Ben Grimm, the Ever-lovin' Blue Eyed Thing? It will take the combined might of the Marshal services and Boyd's gang to stop double Chiklis!

Shit man, I'd listen to Goggins reading audiobooks of anything.

"I want to watch the Americans but it's not on On Demand and I'd have to pay for it."

"I thought it started and ended strong, but there was a lot of wheel-spinning in the middle run of the season"

Haha. My wife who has never watched the show came in on that part and sincerely asked "Who is Pie?"

It's derived from the original ancient phrase meaning: "Oh my fucking God, finally!"

Maaaan, it's not the same without the commercials though!

If only the reruns were airing on a real network and not the shy, dim witted, mentally challenged child of a real network.

I personally think that Gemma is going to kill Tara or otherwise take her out of the equation. The season finale's title is pretty ominous-"A Mother's Work"- and implies that Gemma will play a huge role. Sure it could refer to Tara but who are we kidding? Kurt would never miss a chance to give his old lady the

Apparently. I mean some of the episodes this season have deserved it (I get premieres, finales and WHAM episodes, for instance the episode where the Irish killed Phil and the prospect and Toric and Otto died deserved it) but for the most part it's just led to a lot of padding and the season feeling incredibly

That's certainly where they get really great but the early songs boring? Nah.

Gotta love a band that attacks its fans.