
The point is that they did not have to use rape as the event to show the suffering of the NPC. It undermined the whole point of the strip.

He should have permanent custody once he gets his son back. She violated the law.

If anyone thought Link would be included on XBOX or PS3 they are delusional.

I think the origins of Street Pass were in the original Nintendogs for the DS where you could turn on "bark mode" and have other people's dogs show up in the park.

Stop commenting before you read the article.

Also saying HL3 can't be done "because MoCap" is laughable. This guy is a voice actor who doesn't have a clue what he's talking about.

Sounds like misdirection to me.

Actually I was being facetious and then I read that after haha.

Laws don't apply to you when you have money. Fact of life.

I'm done shopping at that scam factory unless there is an exclusive that I absolutely have to have.

FYI GenericScreenName works for Gamestop. It's too obvious.

Wrong. Gamestop is opening every new copy they get and ignoring the retail price of 49.99 by selling it "used." Plus by selling it used the developers don't get jack. Nintendo should be all over this.

Good, they were "pointless." I'll be here all week.

I miss KayBee :-(

"Life is too short for any of us to spend precious time replaying sections of video games because we got killed by a boss"

I'll admit, seeing almost every AC villager ever running around together made me smile.

Agreed. I mean, I'll do it because I'm obsessed with this game, but there's no reason why they couldn't add that functionality.

You totally should. Even if you don't end up liking the stories (which I think you will), the animation is awesome. And also props for apologizing. You hardly ever see that on internet comments. Peace bro.
