
Makes me think of Clayton Williams, the Texas candidate who ran against Anne Richards in 1990 who said about rape: "It's like the weather. If it's inevitable, just relax and enjoy it."

Oh no! How will Nintendo recover?? CROFL


As a friend of mine said (both of us work in the game industry) you didn't just burn all your game industry bridges, you nuked them. You sound like a bitter, entitled prick. Good look ever getting hired at a game company again. Bravo.

Not being able to borrow games from a friend is complete and total bullshit. They better come up with a system where you can lend a game out.

His junk should be twice as big and his scrod should be hanging out the sides.

Family Values FTW


There will be no changes at Piratebay

Great story to start the day with! Thank you for sharing!

That's a laughable comparison and you know it. I'm not talking about paying for a tangible piece of machinery, a gaming artifact, a collectible. I'm talking about paying for a digital version of an old game.

Totally agree.

Still can't believe they still charge that much for these old ass games. They should be no more than 5, if that.

Ok, finally going to dive in...

That is the coolest grim reaper in a game ever. I loved the original and will be getting this.

For 20 bucks it's a steal. The combat and creatures are just awesome even though the story is pretty meh.

I absolutely loved DD and will be getting this for sure.

I'm not usually one to make a fuss out of females in fantasy art but this image is just embarrassing. I'd love to hear the perspective of females in Japan about the topic.

Now playing

Her Chrono Trigger theme is simply amazing.

Giving up video games...