
My coworker is a very pleasant person, but every workday at 10:30 am, she blasts the following three songs in her cubicle: “Hotel California,”Bohemian Rhapsody” and “Night Moves.

I heard the peanuts weren’t gluten-free so they were banned.

I purchase my Amtrak tickets for Thanksgiving travel whenever they first go on sale, which I believe is 11 months in advance.

Looks like NY Penn Station at 5 pm.

i wish I could have showed this to the young woman driving a late-model BMW with state PBA plates who was tailgating me this morning, honking her horn because I was driving 34 mph on a slushy 35 mph road.

I really like the color of that Chevy. Much less boring that the sea of black/white/grays I see on the road.

Oops...I should have added a “spring” in there.

Wow, I never knew that writers not named Stephen King could pull down six figures in a year. It’s making me rethink my journalism degree...

There is a reason that the NYC and Boston Marathons are in the fall and not mid-July.

Can you recommend a product that I can bring on an aircraft that will kill such germs?

Unsure if that is a good thing or not...

My local Honda dealer told me that someone traded in a 2006 Element with 300k miles on it. He sold it a day later for $2k.

I’m a single guy and I call my dull CR-V a “mom-mobile” and not because it attracts cute moms :/

If you drove your own vehicle to park at the airport for a business trip and returned home to find it a charred hulk in the EWR parking garage, would your employer be liable to replace your car?

After my breakup 5 years ago, I bought a 2003 Mitsubishi Galant with 140k miles on it for $1500. Lasted me 4 years and the only repair it required was a new starter. But boy was that a sad car to be seen in. 

My college was one of the few universities that still had a PE requirement and it was awesome. I particularly enjoyed volleyball and weight training. Our instructor ended up leaving school to work for the Yankees. It was also really neat trying to watch 300-lb football linemen attempt to learn ballroom dancing. They

Hockey parents are a certain level of crazy unmatched by any other sport.

I’ve seen too many fatal motorcycle crashes firsthand to know that I am never, ever going to ride one of those machines.

You worked for an ex-cop? I work with current cops and no one looks for more creative ways to duck out of work than they do lol.

Yes, when I worked in NYC, our hours were 9-5. Being an early morning person made my commute less stressful that way :-)