
Grosser = my checking account balance.

I grew up in a solid middle class household where I attended private schools. Most of my classmates have well-paying jobs and since I was an honors student back then, they expect me to be pulling down a mint as well. But I am not (thank you useless journalism degree) and many of them are getting married. I’m getting

Not the 2018-19 Isles but the post-Al Arbour Isles, yes.

If you still wanna travel on Amtrak, their Guest Rewards MasterCard is an easy way to pile up points, although it charges an annual fee.

I’m up at 5 a.m. so I can hit the gym and then rush like hell to arrive in my office by 8 a.m. I work with a bunch of clock-watchers, so being IN the office is more important than what we actually DO once we’re there.

We do love to put fries in our salads(and and even more so our sandwiches.)

Thanks for giving me another reason never to air family drama on social media.

I think the kids keep their phone battery charge under 10% as a badge of honor. Signed, parent of a teenager.

I’d just like to have some color choices besides black, white and grey/silver. Car shopping was a depressing, monochromatic experience for me lately.

You’re correct to ID wage stagnation as another roadblock to home ownership. I would bet it also is a reason why millennials can’t afford new cars either.

It beats my journalism degree :-/

Another reason is the cool rock climbing wall in the student center.

Bridgegate didn’t help, but CC ran on a platform of reforming the state’s runaway public employee benefit system. After receiving major concessions from public unions, Christie reneged on the state’s promise to increase pension funding, seriously pissing off state workers.

I know a few NJ state legislators and they found Christie to be a micromanaging bully who wanted his hands in every little mundane part of state government. When CC claimed he was ignorant of the “traffic problems in Fort Leee,” they knew that he was completely full of shit.

I think that was CC’s Bridgegate defense.

Unless you are under 17 years old, Snapchat filters are annoying and stupid. 

I’m a very social and chatty person, but when I am at the gym, I need to get my workout done before I dash of to work or somewhere more important. I am not in the mood to talk to you so I other than a smile and a nod, I will ignore you for the remainder of my workout. 

My teenage son prefers Annies white cheddar shells to anything Kraft sells. I’m just happy he no longer relies on dad to fix him lunch.