
My dad is getting quite senile in is old age, but he is in excellent physical shape for 81. He really enjoys when my brother and I take him to a sporting event and talks about it for weeks.

My parents live about 5 miles from my home and I visit them once or twice a week for dinner. It’s nothing fancy, but getting a home-cooked meal (albeit one that is loaded with carbs) and enjoying a glass of wine with my elderly parents while discussing simple pleasantries (no politics, thank goodness) is good for

My 2009 Mac Mini has a SSD installed and runs just fine for web surfing, MS Office apps, iTunes and even a little InDesign work. I have no plans to upgrade anytime soon.

Try living in the Garden State, where this bloated wank-off of a song is played on the radio about every 40 minutes between Thanksgiving and December. The rest of the year we get blanketed with tracks from “Born in the USA.”

I love my mom, but I don’t think she even knows what “ironic” means, even ironically.

I take a day off from work w/o telling anyone except my boss and “disappear” for a day. I turn off my cell phone and spend a few hours hiking around a park, walking around a big city, etc. Free and healthy.

“Christmas Shoes”is much, much more painful than “Last Christmas.”

I love my 75 year-old mom, but “Last Christmas” is her favorite Christmas song. She adores it without any irony and has admitted to such.

The Internet will make every one of us a liar, hypocrite or both at least once in our lifetime.

United controls over 70% of the gates at my local airport. My choices, unfortunately, are extremely limited.

Lyft charges me only $16 to get a ride to my local airport.

I’m realizing this now that I approach age 50 with very little material wealth and job prospects that will be on the downslide as I age. I’ll never be able to afford a new car or a journey to a foreign country (OK, maybe Canada for a weekend), but small enjoyments like walking my dog through the park on a snowy day,

“It’s not a happy ending, though it is an honest one.”

Parking too close to the intersection is never enforced in my town. Those yellow curbs appear to be meaningless.

I-95 is three lanes in each direction and two lanes east of Clinton (I think...maybe closer to New Haven) to the RI line (save for a few short stretches to allow slow-moving vehicles where the highway is three lanes or through New London. 

I-95 through CT is a special kind of motorist hell. As you probably know, there is dense development along the entire stretch of highway from the NY border to New Haven. I have no idea how the state could afford to build additional lanes to accommodate traffic volume without going broke from the property acquisition

I believe that due to Congress’s fear of raising taxes, it kept borrowing money to fund transportation projects. The trust fund is probably mostly used to pay interest on those bonds.

I’ve been loading trees on the roof racks of my various station wagons & SUVs for 25 years now and I still can’t tie my tree on the roof of my car with the cheap twine provided at the tree farm. I was never a Boy Scout so my knot-tying skills are poor. No matter how many times I pull the twine tight through my roof

I miss my Element. :-(

Wait, there is another pro sports team known as the Jets?