I haven’t visited Indianapolis in a few years, but I found it strange that the entire downtown emptied out at 5 p.m. It looked like Night of the Comet downtown.
I haven’t visited Indianapolis in a few years, but I found it strange that the entire downtown emptied out at 5 p.m. It looked like Night of the Comet downtown.
For my ex, oral was the only way she was able to climax. My current partner enjoys it as a warmup and then politely tells me, “thank you; I’ll take it from here.”
My great aunt gave me her late husband’s garage-kept, power-everything 1974 metallic red Toyota Corona Mark II station wagon. Acceleration was awful but it looked cool as hell. I wish I still had a photo of it.
I purchased an Acura from a local dealer that was extremely painless and free of bullshit as well.
Rutgers also ridiculously makes a claim to New York City as well, although Piscataway is located about 35 miles southwest of Manhattan. College Football is about as popular in NYC as high school wrestling.
I am 6'2" and I was happy that Allegiant’s seats were unable to recline. I found the legroom to be adequate.
Thank you. I am at work and it would be poor form to be playing a video in my cubicle. Words>pictures in this case.
Generally, it takes between 24-48 hours of having an infected tick attached to your skin to successfully transmit the Lyme-causing bacteria to its host (although there is a case of contracting the illness after only 6 hours of exposure).
My coworker insisted to her doctor that her joint pain was due to Lyme disease and her doctor repeatedly dismissed her claims, going so far as to deride her statements as hysterical.
I’m never really hungry before my morning workout so I may have a cup of coffee for easy energy. My pre-race meal is usually a piece of fruit washed down with coffee. But if I am competing in a longer race, I am STARVING when finished!
You obviously don’t look at the 15 and 21 day DLs for MLB. Lots of odd ailments there.
Until a few seasons ago (2009 maybe?), Notre Dame stadium had no Jumbotron and no piped-in music. Then they got on the bandwagon and blast Crazy Train 25 times per game.
Grrrrr....blood pressure rising with memories of my 1990 Audi 100 wagon. Clearcoat peeled off. Interior headliner sagged. climate control died and I replaced it with a used one. Cruise control broke and I installed a Ford one under the hood.
$75k/year won’t even keep the lights on in New York or California. The kids can work by artisianal candlelight.
Maybe the lessee was going to write off the lease payments as a business expense?
After Lou Holtz left South Bend, Sgt. Tim was probably the most exciting thing going on inside Notre Dame Stadium.
This is a very helpful article. My 2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee never seems to display the correct outside temperature on the dash. A quick Google search shows that a replacement sensor can be had for $13 shipped and is an easy installation.
The biggest enemy to reading more has been my smartphone. Why pick up a book and actually concentrate on the printed word when I can grab my iPhone and read Gizmodo, Facebook, the NY Times or wander aimlessly around Wikipedia?
They may have, but as I mentioned, he was a very generous tipper and often bought drinks for other patrons at the place. He reminded me of Al Czervik of Caddyshack fame.