
My Dad’s 1995 Corolla has manual windows and locks and just passed 200,000 miles. Runs fine. Receievd a $600 Maaco paint job that has held up so far. He will probably gift it to my son in a few years when he gets his driver’s license.

I’m surprised that the plates on the lanehogging car are from NJ. Generally, the most vehicles I observe in NJ cruising along at 65 in the left lane have New York plates.

The average property tax bill in NJ is around $10k/year. Even if you owned your house free & clear, you’d be paying The Man almost $1,000/month.

Other than being born rich, how can I, a lowly prole, become a full-time blogger? What are the benefits like? 401(k)? Dental and vision insurance?

Dat grin....

I have a friend in the CIA who has been participating in this effort for at least the past year. His job is not to disrupt the ISIS recruiting efforts but to mess with ISIS’s ability to bring in money from oil revenues and stolen antiquities. It’s quite exciting.

You can bang that right out!

Google Maps advised me to make an illegal u-turn on a busy stretch of US Route 1 in NJ. I have been wary of Google Maps every since.

I like Apple Maps except for the awful depiction of traffic and the failure to zoom out or look ahead when traveling.

I must have been fortunate to have found a decent, honest mechanic. The transmission on my 1989 Audi 100 Avant started to act up. Mechanic offered to send it out to his transmission guy to have it rebuilt for $1500. Transmission lasted 2 weeks before it went south. Mechanic apologized and repaired it free of charge.

The meme is approximately 9 days old.

Don’t worry. I read the story on Gawker about Kesha and her rapey producer and my first reaction was “who the *&@#(^! is Kesha?”

My Dad used his manual 1978 ‘vette to travel every workday 1 mile each way from home to the train station and back. The car had difficulty topping 30 mph. Other than the floorboards rusting through (we replaced them with sturdy galvanized plates), the car was well-built and lasted 150,000 before we sold it for $50.

GE is a pretty evil company.

TL;DR. Annoying cat dies. Author is sad and relived. As the owner of 6 cats in my lifetime, that sums it up.

Actually that quote describes the insane NYC housing market as well as it does the Yankees ticketing policy.

My ex created a blog about what a P.O.S. I am and still proclaims such to the world via her social media accounts. I’m still healthy, alive and not penniless (although let me check my bank account balance first before expounding on that last claim).

I think the most interesting quote came from Rev. Jerry Falwell:

My favorite Kiss song. Thanks for posting.