Every time I see Megyn Kelly or any other perfectly-coiffed female newslady on Fox News, this comes to mind.
That Boondocks representation of Ann Coulter isn’t very accurate. I can’t even see her Adam’s Apple.
That era Legacy was probably the nicest stylewise, but those models get horrible gas mileage and have the factory audio system built in to the entire dash/climate control system, meaning you can't upgrade it without some serious hacks. Surprisingly, Subaru didn't include an AUX input to its Legacies until 2007.
It was long rumored that the Pens also deliberately tanked towards the end of the 1983-84 season to land Mario Lemieux in the 1984 draft.
The Jalop requirement is that it be a manual diesel wagon.
This guy's Range Rover makes my Audi look reliable, and that's saying a lot.
Sometimes we eat pizza in the bed before we have sex. Now I'll be sure to pick up the phone and order the pizza right before orgasm so we can enjoy post-coital cuddling.
Some of us are too old for skinny jeans.
That supermarket parking lot really needs to be repaved.
The resale value of used pickups is absolutely a seller's market, especially for Toyota Tacomas.
You win the Internet today. I'd praise you more but my ex-wife and mother to our wonderful son is too busy posting terrible things about me online and sharing it with the world :/
This sounds like a great Piney story. I love that place.
Perhaps Turkey could allow Minecraft ONLY in creative mode and not survival.
I never thought that I'd hear a Stephin Merritt composition mixed with sports highlights, but I like it.
I still enjoy my Denon receiver from 1994, Denon CD player from 1988 that I just repaired for $9, Technics direct drive turntable from the early 80s that I saved from the dumpster and a beautiful pair of wood-grain floor-standing Epicure Fourteen speakers from 1979 that were refurbished last year and sound incredible.