
Episode 8 was great. But 1 out of 8 isn't good odds.

I have no clue. That guy is a great actor and they waste his talents having him act like an idiot?

I am so disappointed. I really am. I can't even replay the episodes and watch them they are so bad.
Eva and Boyd in SM sex? Come one?

Horrible horrible. In fact all 6 episodes were awful. I miss the independent episode where Raylan is out doing his job with other characters. At least there is generally a clear ending in those episodes. This season is a second rate soap opera.

Ava is going to get killed but it won't be by Boyd directly but because Boyd did something to someone and Ava was collateral damage. That way when/if Raylan kills Boyd it is more acceptable.

Constable Bob awful. I hope he has no more appearances.

This year so far has been awful.
Eva and Boyd in SM sex? The hog hunt was a joke, right?