
Reports from Philly call-in shows are that he’s showing signs of being Crip-pled.

“Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads”

Absolutely correct, and that line sounds best when read with the voice of the old movie preview guy. Speaking of which, movies have been made from worse ideas. I recommend Adam Sandler as one of the Nissan big shots, it could be just like Billy Madison.

“What are thoooooose?”

You had them for TWENTY FIVE years. Not our fault some people in Japan didn’t bother to grab one during that time.

“I hate to switch subjects...but sometimes you have to.”

Tough shit. You guys have had them forever, we’ve been waiting 25 years.

Of course Correia talks a lot of shit. She’s literally bathing in it at home.

Bypass? Did someone say Bypass? Gotta make a bypass...

One step beyond accident avoidance tech is accident reversal tech.

Snowden shouldn’t be pardoned. In addition to information about NSA operations, he also leaked documents that have nothing to do with surveillance, and have had negative effects. For example, he leaked documents pertaining to covert US efforts to prevent the development of nuclear weapons in Iran. Why would someone do

Is that how it’s supposed to be? Just assume that every invention doesn’t work until we have proof that it does? What happened to the middle ground, the part where you’re told there’s a new invention and you ask if it works because you don’t know? Why assume it doesn’t?

You’re right, I wouldn’t want to be caught dead in a Mitsubishi.

Not-a-drone! Not-a-drone!

LeBron and four other LeBrons with varying hairlines.

The guy hit 488 career doubles and somehow people are surprised that he still knows how to find his way to second base.

If any Spikes fans find themselves still traumatized, next Thursday is $1 beer night.

Tough to tell whether or not Sepp calculated that singles were not worth the time of picking up or if he can just determine whether or not currency is counterfeit with a single glance.