
*Looks at Poulter’s picture*

The Ferrari in its natural state, seconds before becoming a fireball.

Customers be like...

In all seriousness, left and center are pretty important spots in softball. Everyone is trying to hit monster home runs, so a left fielder who can both catch and throw can be invaluable.

I don’t want to sound like an advocate for raping your teammate to death, but in this case it would open up a spot in the infield.

You should have seen what it looked like when this trophy exploded all over its owner.

The S&P Analyst was asked about his weekend plans and responded.

you have no clue what youre talking about.

That orange bastard. If you were there you know why.

Little Stadium Trucks!!!

Let’s talk about body filler.

By ‘driving event,’” he continued, “We mean that a trained Honda employee will drive around a parking lot at idle speed.

E36 M3s are very popular with the track crowd - I would’ve been a buyer at around $11 - 12K, or if the car only had around 50K miles on it. The owner should probably swap in an aluminum radiator as well. As it sits - I’m saying not outrageous but still CP.

Nope. The BMW logo on that model year was the same color as the wheel. I think they added the more familiar color roundel starting around the 98 model year on the E36. My parents old E34 525i had a very similar wheel.

That depends on the towel.

Diver 1: Cannonball!

in the lab...

Does Ricky understand that $5,000 cash could buy him many iPads?

50 gallon drum of lube.