It’s nice to see that Mike Greenberg paid tribute to the show by telling a couple of boring stories that I don’t give a shit about.
It’s nice to see that Mike Greenberg paid tribute to the show by telling a couple of boring stories that I don’t give a shit about.
Those economics gonna trickle the heck down! Trickle like sweet, sweet mercury.
Those numbers are bound to change once all those high paying coal mining jobs come roaring back.
When politics is a nonstop soap opera, it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture. And the big picture is this: A…
My god, that glorious ass...
Dear god...even Ferry Porsche would be amazed by this.
Old evil guy Bernie didnt vote for that war, nor for the Patriot Act. He also didn’t vote for the Defense of Marriage Act (like Clinton did), nor did he vote for the repeal of DADT.
You’re right, I wasn’t fully aware that he was that deep in it - which if you’re raised that way you’re going to be fucked up full-tilt.
I think many of you folks here fail to understand who Musk is and where he actually comes from.
They are, but you understand that power dynamics in the U.S. favor males and diminish the impact of said insults - unless you just like splitting hairs and feigning ignorance about these things (which often happens). It’s effectly like a minority calling a white person a cracker or honky; obviously it’s not a term of…
He also spent his formative years in apartheid South Africa, so that might have something to do with his view, in addition to the usual inability of privileged groups to feel empathy for marginalized ones.
I’m a bit younger, I think, because I have very little memory of the Anita Hill hearings happening in real time. My version of that is the damned Iraq War - I don’t want to EVER have to cast my vote for a person who voted in favor of the Iraq War. It was an unforgivable vote, and I’m sick of the Democratic Party…
Always a solid move for a white South African employer to tell a black employee to toughen up and just deal with working alongside a racist.
It is properly attributed. The claimant has also filed a lawsuit, which suggests that he is serious.
This! So often liberals are accused of eating our own, but actually we just demand a certain level of accountability - which includes having people we admire admit when they stuff up, especially when they do it very, very badly, and explain what steps they’re taking so it never happens again.
A lot of people out there are asking what-if’s about Biden running in 2016, but the thing is, when you aren’t a big contender for nation wide office, most of your dirt has gone unheard by the public at large. The moment Biden becomes a competitive contender (and not just a nominal one, as he was in 2004 and 2008), all…
Here comes the liberal circular firing squad.
I really, really hope not. I’m still holding out for my Harris/Duckworth ticket.
And the ultimate gag, Democrats will either choose this guy or Corey Booker to represent the party in 2020 because of the epidemic of woven pink hats constricting heads in such a way they reset people’s memories every four years.