The Real Nature Boy

Johnson voter. And even though she wasn’t the best candidate, you can disagree with her over vaccines, Stein has morals. Maybe next time, people won’t hold their noses and vote for someone worth voting for instead of just throwing it away to people who seem okay with sex assaults.

He was more a Democrat than Hillary ever was.

The DNC doesn’t care about the people. They care about it’s members and donors. If you are not a paying registered member and going to meetings and crap they just can’t be bothered. They don’t represent the “people”. It’s a members club, and the more money you give the more weight your opinion has.

71% of the Solid Liberals self-identify as liberals. The group you are thinking of is the Opportunity Democrats, 80% of whom identify as leaning Democrat, and 46% identify as ‘moderate.’ They hold mostly liberals views except they believe the economic system is fair and that all it takes is intelligence and hard work

Well, that and they HAVEN’T STOPPED PULLING THIS SHIT. Maybe once they stop doing shit like purging leftists from the party committees that control the processes, people can start getting over their rigging the processes.

Why should you be required to be a long time party member to run for president? The parties themselves ARE the problem here. Bernie only joined because the D/R parties have made it impossible for independent/3rd party candidates to have any shot. They shouldn’t get to be the gatekeepers to entry into politics.

Oh whatever, Hillary Clinton personally went out and advocated for the criminal and welform reform acts of the 90s, both of which obviously vastly disproportionately affected the black community. Sanders didn’t back that shit. As SoS, she looked into a camera and told African leaders they “should just get over”

BINGO, you’ve got it! I’ve always felt Donna Brazile typifies what’s wrong with black politics - she’s always been a herder of black folks for the democratic machine no matter how badly they’ve treated us. So why this revelation, why now? Donna Brazile is a two-time loser in terms a presidential campaigns: she failed

“He’s so eloquent!”

Prepare yourself for Hillary supporters that are indistinguishable from Trump supporters in their inability to admit their candidate was/is an asshole.

Liberals are still pretty racist, particularly Clinton supporters.

Publicly. Funded. Elections.

 You know why people can’t let go of what HRC, DWS did? Because their supporters, some here, kept shitting on people who voted Bernie, Johnson, Stein. People like Samantha Bee kept stating we were complicit in Trump’s election. People like Eminem said “fuck you” to Independent voters.

Oh, hi there Ms. Wasserman Schultz! How’s it going in Florida’s 23rd?

Bernie would’ve won.

How many people has Clinton stumped for since the 2016 campaign? I’ll give you hint: the answer begins with a “z” and ends with “ero.”

The whole point is that the DNC is undemocratic and has been subverted to the will of the Clintons. They crush any leftist momentum, and they wonder why they constantly lose. They are responsible for Trump.

By supporting Hillary after being told she screwed him over???

The shameful curtailing of Abdul-Rauf’s career is one of the greatest crimes against basketball ever perpetuated.