The Real Nature Boy

Cause you’re racist

Reminder - Keith would be DNC Chair right now, had the Clinton crowd not handpicked DWS’ successor - who then proceeded to back centrist candidates only and boot progressive delegates.

Uh-oh black folks - he’s talking income inequality, so fuck him, right?

Good solid Democrat. Party leader

Pot’s not really the issue here grandpa

Salinas is crazy. Sort of like Iowa wheat fields, but just strawberries or lettuce as far as the eye can see

So, as soon as someone is accused of something, you cut straight to “fuck that guy”?

You just cut to auto belief? All it takes for you is a claim?

Food poisoning or cross contamination is rarely ever attributable to the last thing you’ve eaten. You most certainly have been sickened by both.

Worked at many a restaurant - I can attest that EVERY SINGLE TIME I asked the wait staff if they washed the lemons, they laughed and said “no, why?”

Schindler says there are multiple piss tapes - some real, some fake. But multiple.

54 and a triple double vs 4 points off the pine. Clear winner here

Said it there, I’ll say it again. In this state of chaos, women are quantifying unwanted sexual advances from men they DONT LIKE as sexual harassment, while the same words, actions and approach, when offered by a man they deem desirable, are perfectly acceptable. Ellen Page is out here claiming someone telling her

If this motherfucker isn’t AT LEAST charged with treason I’m renouncing my citizenship. This country has turned into some weird Nickelodeon kids show

+1 Ferengi

“Yeah, its a booger. So what?”

The look on her face (shock - slight horror - reluctant acceptance) when I yelled “I love you Bammer!” in the meet and greet line after her show will stay with me forever. All time fav


“Considering oneself politically astute is a pit of hubris filled with rancid hindsight juice.”

“There was no way to know that voting for Reagan and Bush and Clinton would lead to inevitable disaster.”