You sound like a 10 year old. That Subaru is a bunch of bolt on plastic bullshit. Nothing Honda has produced in 20 years is interesting.
You sound like a 10 year old. That Subaru is a bunch of bolt on plastic bullshit. Nothing Honda has produced in 20 years is interesting.
I could give a fat fuck about concepts or auto shows. None of the designs resemble the production car and half aren’t even attempted. Its akin to flipping through a junior high kids sketchbook.
You’re a willful dupe. Prescott Bush traded with Nazis. HW was head of the CIA and started the relationship with the House of Saud. W is the progeny of an absolutely EVIL, craven, power-hungry clan of deviants. He, Jenna and Bob the fucking dog are every bit a part of that shitshow and not deserving of ANY sympathy.
So what exactly would the motivation be for someone who no longer has any sort of career or self image to try and protect, to not name names? I mean other than the fact that Corey has suffered from cocaine psychosis for a number of years.
Shit like this is why black folks are sidelined from modern political discussion. You’re more worried about your ego than doing anything politically. Eat shit
If your entire career is based on furthering right wing nonsense, much of which is directly anti-woman, forgive me if I don’t immediately admit you into the crew because you experienced some hardship. Fuck both of these idiots. They have both conspired to make the world a worse place
Jesus fucking Christ Phyllis Shlafly, you’re an awful piece of shit
You’re literally caping for the system that has women scared to report their attackers. Every instance of sexual assault HAS TO BE REPORTED. Your vagina doesn’t make you the arbiter of justice. Either report it or you are part of the problem.
“Christ, you should really stop being so stunningly dumb and toxic on this topic.”
If we were fighting a defensive war, it would’ve been limited to the Pacific. You sound like a goddamn US propaganda poster.
You dumb fuck. We had no idea about death camps until we got there. Our decision to enter the war had nothing to do with “saving the jews”. And Korea was a proxy war between us, China, and Russia - we didn’t go in to save any poor Korean kids. You’re a fucking moron who knows about as much about foreign policy as you…
Newsflash for Monique and a good chunk of the white dude’s in the poll: classism. Its a thing. Poor whites and blacks are literally the same to upper-class whites. If both formers understood that we could exercise some real political power. Alas...
People love to talk about how much material is moved on trains, but they rarely talk about how much commerce gets stifled by trains. In the south, 9 times out of 10 they are carrying pulp wood or corn syrup - two things the world needs less of
My prediction - this will never be built
When man has finally freed himself from the shackles of sitting idly in bumper to bumper traffic, Jalopnik will still be there screaming “bring back leaded gasoline!!!”
When you look at the hard numbers, its really not that much money. I’ve never understood why the counterculture doesn’t just outspend these assholes and buy some pols. You could make up the equivalent of a year of NRA donations at a Phish show.
35 years of cutting education spending, NCLB, combined with Twitter and reality TV, has left us with a pile of motherfuckers too dumb to live. I hope I croak before the real shooting begins
It sounds like you’re a rube who doesn’t know history. Eat shit
Your life is a lie
No, not really. The kind of simpleminded cat who, surrounded by white supremacists, pops off with some “not all military” bullshit, is not someone I take seriously. You sanctimonious assholes are going to have to deal with some facts: unless you fought in the war of 1812, you’ve never defended anyone’s freedom. If you…